Many part-time campers can obtain RV insurance that is very inexpensive. Sometimes the price of a premium for them can be so low that it seems more comparable to motorcycle insurance than auto insurance. Those rates are based on the fact that the RV will be parked on your property or on a storage lot most of the year.
However, if you’re looking to use your RV year round, you’ll likely end up with a higher RV insurance premium than part-time campers. Let’s take a closer look at why that is.
If you're considering selling your house and living full-time in your RV, your insurance needs are significantly more than those of weekend campers. You won't have home insurance anymore, but you'll still need the liability coverage for injuries on your property, the RV. The policy of the campground you overnight at will likely cover injuries outside of your vehicle, but injuries inside are on you.
All of your possessions are probably going to be in the RV or in storage. Insurance policies aimed at the full-time RVer offer varying levels of personal property coverage to replace your belongings in case of fire, theft and other covered events. This is similar to your home insurance policy and much more inclusive than a typical camper's RV policy. Some policies even have a clause that covers any of your belongings in storage.
Remember that if you don't disclose that you are a full-time RVer to your insurance provider, it could be considered fraud. It's better to pay the higher premiums and have the peace of mind that your insurance is the right policy for your home on wheels.
Using an independent insurance agent is better than trying to sort through the RV insurance policies yourself because independent agents can assist you in finding the best coverage using a wide network of resources. Get started today!
We’ll help you find the right coverage. Call Waymon Lynch & Associates, Inc. at (202) 462-9243 for more information on Long Island RV insurance.